Friday, February 4, 2011

A Charlotte Mason Pre-School Schedule

In my last post I talked about some of our curriculum resources.  A reader recently emailed me and asked me to talk a little bit about how our week is typically structured. 

So I present to you a weekly "schedule" that I put together for use with my two preschool aged children.  I put "schedule" in quotation becaues really this is just a light list of things to do on days when I could use some inspiration and guidance.  (Because who can stand watching another episode of Barney?!  Am I right?)  :)   So, again, this schedule is not something I follow rigidly.   In fact, on many days I throw this entire schedule out the window and just go with the flow as opportunities present themselves. 

This schedule may look like a lot of things to cover with a preschooler.  However, I have to say that many of these things take less than 5-10 minutes.  The rest of them are just naturally incorporated into our day.  (For example listening to music while we clean up the house.)    Also, although it is not explicitly stated, the majority of our preschoolers day is spent busily involved in free, unstructured play and plenty of time spent out-of-doors.  

This schedule is available to download below from ScribD.   In the following days, I will also talk a bit about what these various segments look like in our day.  (Picture study, music study, etc.)

A Charlotte Mason Preschool Schedule                                                            

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Links to Become Attached to:
Ambleside Online (a resource for a free Charlotte Mason education)
Simply Charlotte Mason
Sonlight, literature based curriculum
Homeschool Creations, host of the weekly Pre-School Corner


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