Ideas by Age

In order to help you find ideas that may be most appropriate for your child's skills and abilities, learning actives can be sorted by age.  This is the age my children were when I introduced the activity.   However, many of these actives are appropriate for a wide range of ages.  So have fun browsing through all of the ages. 

I stress, however, that all children are different and learn at their own unique pace. Do not fall into the trap of comparing your child to other children. What may be easy for your 2 year old, may be extremely difficult for my 2 year old. Some children excel in verbal communication while lagging behind in fine motor skills. Some children begin reading at 3 while others do not learn until 7 or 8. The age references given on this site are meant to serve as approximate guidelines only. They are certainly not an indicator of what your child should or should not be able to do.

(If you would rather browse ideas sorted by subject, you can go here.)  

Ideas by Age:

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