Authors Note: I originally published a Thanksgiving book
list in 2011. I wanted to republish this list updated with some new
jewels that I have discovered. My wish is that these books will help
create some wonderful memories this holiday season, and remind us all to
slow down and be thankful for all that we have. The links below are amazon affiliate links.
is one of my favorite holidays. For me the holiday is extra special
because it was around this time nine years ago that I first became a
mother. So I have an added reason to be thankful this time of year.
To help us all
get in the mood for Thanksgiving, I recently filled our book basket with
some of our favorite picture books for this holiday. I don't know of a
better way to celebrate the holiday season than time spent snuggled up
with your children sharing a good book. It is a surefire way to create
some cherished holiday memories for both parent and child. So--to get
you in the mood for Thanksgiving, here are some great books on the topic
that you can share with your children. Some are historical fiction,
others celebrate our modern day version of the holiday, and some of just
silly and fun--But they are all great books and worth a read!
I hope that you will take time out to make these stories a tradition in your family too!
Thanksgiving Picture Books for Older Kids (And Adults Too!)
was hesitant to assign an age range to the following group of books.
They require a slightly longer attention span than the books listed
above. However, even adults and older kids will apprecate the beauty
in the stories and illustration in these books.
book is a new discovery for me, and I absolutely CANNOT recommend it
enough. This book is about an older couple living alone named Ed and
Ann. In the book, Ann is making a delicious Thanksgiving feast but
then.....poor Ann burns the dinner! Ann feels just awful. So she
decides to spend Thanksgiving home alone, but Ed is hungry! So he
suggest that they try to find a restaurant that is open. The only
restaurant that they can find that is open is "The New World Cafe" a
restaurant run by immigrants. They enter the restaurant and have a seat
in the deserted dining room. Little do they know, the owners of the
restaurant left the door unlocked by accident. They were planning their
own Thanksgiving celebration. They weren't planning to entertain
customers too! The restaurant owners try to chase the customers away by
banging pots and pans at them. However, the wise grandmother stops
them: "Enough! In old country we bang pots at wolves, not hungry
people. Today is Thanksgiving Day. Family cooks turkey big as
doghouse, but we don't share? Bah!" So the restaurant owners include
Ann and Ed in their celebration. There is conversation, laughter, and
even dancing at the celebration. In the end, Ann agrees that burning
the Thanksgiving dinner was the best thing she ever did! This book
reminds us that despite our cultural differences we are all people with
much more in common than we think! This book is out of print, but I
HIGHLY recommend you search out a used copy of this book at your
library. It is a wonderful read.
young Katie, nothing compares to Thanksgiving at Grandma's house.
However, Katie is heartbroken when she breaks Grandma's cherished gravy
boat at Thanksgiving dinner. It is then that Grandma shows Katie her
special "memory cupboard". This is an excellent book that teaches
although we may grow attached to possessions, it is people who really
children know the story of the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving.
However, many are not familiar with the story of Squanto--arguably the
true hero of Thanksgiving. In this book, children will learn the
remarkable story of the first Thanksgiving from another point of view.
is another living history book that I highly recommend. It is the
story of three young pilgrims named Bartholemew, Remember, and Mary
Allerton. When they and their parents first step down from the Mayflower
after sixty days at sea, they never dream that life in the New World
will be so hard. Many in their Plymouth colony won't make it through the
winter, and the colony's first harvest is possible only with the help
of two friends, Samoset and Squanto.
once in a great while, the hand of God is easy to see, and for a brief
moment, fairy tales and history are the same thing. This is the story
about one of those times." So begins this wonderful account of
Squanto's miraculous story. As a young boy, he was captured, taken to
Europe against his will, and sold into slavery. However, that is not
the end of Squanto's story. Remarkably, he finds his way back across
the Atlantic to the land he was born in. And remarkably, he finds it
into his heart to take pity on the English living on his land who he
book tells the story of a traditional New England Thanksgiving on a
cranberry farm. The book is a great reminder that we can't always judge
'a book by its cover' and that sometimes appearances may deceive.
Children will enjoy looking for Grandmother's secret and famous recipe
for Cranberry Bread which is hidden in the book. Baking this bread will
become a wonderful new tradition for you and your family.
Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving by
Laurie Halse Anderson

Do you think you know everything about Thanksgiving? WELL, did you know that Thanksgiving was once in danger of "dieing out" in our country? True story! This is a wonderful story about how Thanksgiving was saved and became a national holiday. But really---its a story that showcases the importance of perseverance. GREAT book!
book is written in a lyrical verse which makes it a joy to read aloud
to children. The illustration are meticulous and breathtaking.
Children will really get a sense of what life on the Mayflower might
have been like.
The Pilgrim Cat by Carol Antoinette Peacock, Illustrated by Doris Ettlinger

was another book that we checked out and knew that we would one day
have to buy. My daughter loved this book so much, she actually cried
when it came time to return it to the library! The book
is a historical fiction which follows a cat who jumps aboard the
Mayflower as it is departing England. The cat is befriended by a young
girl named Faith. The book is richly illustrated and a pleasure to
read. The reader really gets a feel for what life might have been like
for a child aboard the mayflower. If you are a cat lover, you must
read this book!
love reading poetry together as a family. And after checking this book
out of the library, I just knew that it would someday become a
permanent member of our home library. This collection of poetry talks
about so many different aspects of this holiday--usually in a very
humorous way. This book contains poems about the very first
Thanksgiving, a funny poem about "Dad's football game" after the big
meal, a poem about the Thanksgiving Day parade (where it is
drizzling...isn't it always drizzling during the Thanksgiving Day
parade?!), and another very humorous poem about the things we do with
all of those turkey leftovers. This makes for a great "Thanksgiving
Themed" poetry tea-time. The words are easy enough that most children
can share along with the reading too.
books makes a wonderful addition to the Thanksgiving day book basket.
It promotes all of the things I love best about this holiday:
togetherness with family and thankfulness.
in cumulative rhyme, this beautifully illustrated book tells the story
of the first Thanksgiving.
The First Thanksgiving by

I love the history titles from this series of readers. We own and have read nearly all of them. This one is very complete and does a great job of telling the story in an easy to read format.
Thanksgiving Chapter Books or Longer Read Alouds
(Age Range 5-8, 2nd-3rd Grade Reading Level)
Caldecott Honor Book
recounts the story of the Pilgrims from the time they left England on
the Mayflower through the first Thanksgiving celebration. Written in an
easy to read chapter book format, this book is highly accurate and a
joy to read.
(Age Range 7-10, 3rd Grade Reading Level)
Robert Bulla has a knack at capturing historical periods with his
exciting retellings. All of his books are wonderful, and this is no
(Age Range 4-10, 3rd Grade Reading Level)
I love the Magic School Bus series for beginning chapter book readers. They also make excellent read alouds for younger kids. Like the others in this series, this book takes kids on an exciting adventure with Jack and Annie while subtly teaching them about the first Thanksgiving.
(Age Range 9 and Up, 5th Grade Reading Level)

Pumphrey, a school teacher in the early 1900s, compiled these stories
for her students, in order to enlarge upon their interest in the lives
of the first Pilgrim settlers in America." This is a wonderful book
which will make a cherished addition to your home library. I highly
recommend you buy the version recently expanded by Rea Berg in 2009.
Thanksgiving Books for Preschoolers
actually harder to find good Thanksgiving themed books for this age
range than you think! So many of the books targeted at this age range
are filled with anthropomorphic turkeys trying to escape death. I've
always thought that that idea is sort of disturbing for preschoolers.
This list contains none of that nonsense! Instead, I've tried to
capture the truth, goodness, and beauty of the holiday season. There is
a little sillness and fun mixed in for good measure too!
Here's a cute book that I would
recommend for younger children just learning what Thanksgiving is all
about. The story begins with Max picking out a turkey at the grocery
store. It goes on to celebrate all that thanksgiving has to offer: the food, the family, the preparation, and fellowship This
book also reminds us that our holidays don't always have to be perfect
to be wonderful!
is a another great book for very young children and toddlers. The pictures are charming and
inviting, the text is simple, but the message is a good one.
is a wonderful book for the preschool crowd. Told in a fimilar rhyme
format, this book introduces kids to some of the common themes often
discussed when telling the story of the first thanksgiving.
What does it mean to be thankful anyways? This is a very thoughtful book which emphasizes the true meaning of the holiday.
Thanksgiving Books for Babies and Toddlers
are some high-quality board books perfect for even the youngest book
lovers. I've kept this list short on purpose. I have noticed that
children this age thrive on repetition and often are overwhelmed by too
many choices. So I have picked only the "best of the best" in
Thanksgiving books for toddlers.
book explain the first Thanksgiving to even the youngest book lovers.
Toddlers will enjoy lifting the flaps while you read to them about the
first Thanksgiving. The sturdy pages will ensure that this book will
hold up to the wear and tear toddlers often put on books.
is a great book for building vocabulary and teaching your toddler about
the sights and sounds of the holiday season. Roger Priddy combines
bright illustrations with "real life" photographs of the objects
children are like to see and experience during Thanksgiving.
dePaola's simple images and gentle text explain the history of the
holiday to toddlers. This book is very well done, and I even caught my
older children listening over my shoulder while I read this to my 2 year
will love the illustrations in this sturdy board book. Babies will
love grabbing hold of the shiny, tale feathers in the book. My two
year old loved counting down as we turned the pages and listening to the
rhyming text.
is just a small list of the many fantastic books available on this
holiday. My hope is that this list will help get you started on
building your own Thanksgiving book basket.
Thanks for reading!
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