Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine's Day Boxes

Doug was in charge of helping the kids with their valentines day boxes this year.  They use these in their homeschool valentine exchange party.   I think they turned out great!  (They sure look better than the red shoe boxes covered in glitter glue and heart stickers that I used to make.)

Marcus helped create a purple minion box. 

And Sophie helped create an R2D2 box.


  1. How would you make this into a liquid?

  2. Hi! I have a question.... do you still put the powdered soap up in the little cup of your HE machine or do you sprinkle it inside the tub with the clothes? Sounds silly I know, I have just always used liquid in my HE.

  3. Awesome! Making homemade laundry detergent is on my list to do this summer...or whenever we run out of our Charlie's Soap. Pinning this for safe keeping. :-)

  4. Eddie @ The Usual MayhemFriday, August 01, 2014 4:41:00 PM

    Thanks for sharing! All the recipes I've been seeing were liquid and I much prefer a dry one, so I'm especially excited to try this one.

  5. This is awesome! You do the leg work, and we get the benefits! YOU are awesome!!!

  6. Great! It will save you a lot of money compared to Charlie's. :)

  7. I am the same way! The powdered stuff is so much easier to store...and it looks less yucky. As another idea, it would be really cute to put in little mason jars and give away as gifts. You could make different scents and put a ribbon and label on them. :)

  8. Thanks so much! I hope you like it!!

  9. Cathy, your post brought back memories of your great grandmother Rugare. During the Great Depression, she cut up a bar of Octagon soap to use in the washing machine. I don't recommend this- just reminiscing.

  10. Do you have a link for your household cleaner or bathroom cleaners? Great article, hope to try it soon. I just made my first batch of homemade dishwasher detergent about 2 weeks ago and am thrilled with it! :)

  11. That is pretty funny! It must run in the family!!

  12. Hi Pam, It depends on what type of machine you have. You will want to follow the manufactures instructions for your particular machine. (Look for the instructions for using powdered detergent.) My HE machines has a little drawer you pull out that you put the detergent in. To use powdered detergent, I remove a small plastic cup that I typically pour the liquid detergent in. We have an LG Tromm. Again, ever machine is different, so you will want to pull out your manual and read what to do with your machine. Hope that helps some!

  13. Well, you can clean most things around your house with a little vinegar and water. (Fill a spray bottle with warm water and anywhere from 2Tbsp to 1/4 cup of vinegar.) That is by far the easiest "recipe" for a household cleanser. If you need a "scrubby" element to your cleanser, sprinkle some baking soda down. (Great for sinks and tubs.) If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can add in some essential oils. (Again, you can play with the scents until you find a combination you like. You can also change the scent of your cleanser with the seasons which I like to do.) IMPORTANT NOTE: Never use vinegar, lemon juice, or anything acidic on marble or granite. To clean/disinfect marble and granite counter tops, grate 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons of bar soap (or you can use liquid castile soap), and dissolve that in a quart size spray bottle. You can also add in 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol to disinfect and help the spray evaporate quickly. Maybe if I find the time I will write more about this in a separate post. :)

  14. Great recipe, I will be making some this weekend. Do you know if this detergent is appropriate to use for cloth diapers (like BumGenius)? They insist you buy the detergent they make, but I would rather not, and use this instead, thanks.

  15. I will definitely try this do u have a softener recipe I have heard to add vinegar but I worry the clothes will stink

  16. I have been using vinegar as a fabric softner for about a year now, my clothes never smells like vinegar when I take them out of the washer and they are nice and soft once dry :) I recommend it to everyone! I can't wait to try this detergent recipe today, thanks so much for sharing :D

  17. The oils get soaked up in the powders, I also use them with carpet fresh cleaner with baking soda as well!!! :)


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