Monday, August 27, 2012

Sonlight Blog Roll for 2012-2013

It's here:  The much anticipated Sonlight Blog Roll for the 2012-2013 school year!

This blog roll will give fellow "Sonlight-ers" a place to connect and meet.  Feel free to bookmark this page and refer to it anytime you need some inspiration. 

Are you a blogger using Sonlight for the 2012-3013 school year? 
If so, we would love it if you would join the Sonlight Blog Roll. 

Here's how to do it:
STEP 1)  First grab the button code below and display it proudly on your blog.  All entries must have a link to this blog roll.  This is so we can get the word out about the Sonlight Blog Roll. 
STEP 2)   Next, use the Linky Tool at the bottom of this page to link up your blog.  There is absolutely no weekly posting requirement--just link up and have fun.
NOTE:  Please include your blog's name with the core(s) you are using in parenthesis.  Example:  The Attached Mama (Cores P3/4, B, and F)
STEP 3)  Leave a comment on my blog letting me know you linked up. 

Grab The Button Code Here:

Do you still have questions?  Please feel free to contact me in the comment section below.  I would be glad to help!

Thanks so much!
Cathy aka The Attached Mama

My blog and the blogs linked to this page are not affiliated with the Sonlight Curriculum company in any way.  We are just fans and users of the curriculum.  :) 


  1. Love the button! I'm all linked up. This year I'm also hosting something new, The Memoria Press Blog Roll. If you know anyone using some of their stuff, let them know. I hope we can all continue to share some creative ideas. This will be the first year where I'm really going to make an effort to take more pictures and talk about the activities we do as well as just what we're reading.

  2. Awesome! Thank you! {And that button is THE cutest button! Great job!}

  3. I linked up, but forgot to put my Core in the there a way to edit that?

  4. I can edit it for you. What core number should I put in? Thanks for linking up!

  5. OK! Got it! Thanks so much for linking up!

  6. ack! I forgot to post our cores....A and p 4/5

  7. ack! I forgot to leave our cores... A and p 4/5

  8. Thanks for hosting this link up! Blessings to you for a wonderful school year!

  9. I am sooooooo sorry. I didn't read the directions properly and didn't put my core.
    We are using Core B and will start Core C early next year. (Our school year in Australia is from late January to mid December.)

  10. No problem! I updated your link! :)

  11. Thanks so much for linking up and your kind comment!

  12. I updated your linky! Thanks for linking up. :)

  13. Could you clarify which blog is yours? I want to make sure I don't edit the wrong linky. Thanks so much! :)

  14. All linked. With 2 cores, there wasn't room to put the name of my blog in the caption. :( Now I need to figure out how to better configure my blog so it has a lot of the neat navigational features that yours does!

  15. Linked up with Core A! Thanks for the link up!

  16. I am just getting back to my blag, but I linked up.

  17. Thanks for the link up!

  18. Linked up, button posted. thanks!

  19. Just found you and linked up!

  20. Hey there, I linked up! Looking forward to seeing what else everyone gets up to in their homeschools. - Victoria

  21. Just linked up with Core A!!!!!

  22. I just linked up. # 39. Could you please edit it to say "Homeschooling Selective Mutism Kids (Core B)" Please. Thanks so much. Going to go check out some fellow Sonlight-ers.

  23. new link up with Core D+E this year

  24. forgot to include my blog name

  25. It sounds very interesting!

    i like the post very much keep it up

    Yah this blog is making a dfference. I love it.

    Buy AC online


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