Sunday, November 13, 2011

Field Trip to the Fire Department

October* was National Fire Safety Prevention Month.   So to celebrate the month we took a tour of a local fire department with some of our friends.   The kids had a great time and I think they learned a lot.

*I know, I is currently mid November.  Sometimes I am a little late to download photos off of my camera. 

The kids and parents watching a film on fire prevention and safety.

Taking a tour of the fire department.  We got to see where the firefighters sleep and eat and how calls are answered.

The kids learned about some of the tools the firefighters use to fight fires and perform medical rescues.

The kids hanging out on the truck.

The kids caught an inside look of the fire truck.

Marcus jumping out

Just being silly

This is the outfit Sophie picked out and demanded to wear.  She is wearing her favorite black fur coat with her spiderman ball cap.  She found this black fur coat at the thrift store and LOVES it.  She says it is her "bear coat".

Sophie in her bear coat walking around.

After we saw the inside of the truck, the kids were invited inside to see the firefighter in his full gear.

The firefighter wanted the kids to see what he looked and sounded like in his gear.  He explaided that often times kids are frightened when they see a fire fighter coming into their room and will run and hide from them.  He wanted them to know that he was just a "regular guy" under all of this equipment, and they didn't need to be afraid of him.  Marcus pointed out that he sounded a lot like Darth Vader with the mask on. 

Sophie gave the firefighter a hug.

Marcus giving the firefighter a hug.

They all tried to lift up some of the equipment.  It was HEAVY!

Group Photo

Links to become Attached to:
Tot School
Preschool Corner
Field Trip Friday Blog Hop


  1. Fire Stuff is the best! Looks like you guys had fun!
    Stopping by from 1+1

  2. what a great trip, we have not been tot he fire dept in a couple years, need to go! Thanks for linking up!

  3. VEry FUn! We did a firestation field trip in October & the kid LOVED it! I even leared some stuff too - thanks for linking up to TGIF!
    Beth =-)

  4. My son loved touring the fire station when we went for a birthday party.


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