Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sonlight Blog Roll for 2011-2012

Everyone knows that I am a huge fan of Sonlight.  I have gushed about their wonderful books many times on my blog.

For those who also share my love for Sonlight, I present The Sonlight 2011-2012 Blog Roll.

This blog roll will give fellow "Sonlight-ers" a place to connect and meet.  Feel free to bookmark this page and refer to it anytime you need some inspiration. 

Are you a blogger using Sonlight for the 2011-2012 school year? 
First grab the button code below and display it proudly on your blog.  Next, use the Linky Tool at the bottom of this page to link up your blog.  There is absolutely no weekly posting requirement--just link up and have fun.

Once you link up, feel free to comment on this post so that I can go and check out your blog.  

Sonlight Blog Roll

Please note:  This blog roll is not in any way affiliated with the Sonlight Company.  The views and opinions reflected in these blogs do not necessarily represent the Sonlight company.  :)  We are just fans who like to write about our experiences with Sonlight.


  1. I'm trying to do it but it's not working very well. Any techies out there? My blog is Thanks a ton! :-)

  2. Cathy, I have been browsing your blog and LOVE it! I can see myself bookmarking it and checking it regularly!

  3. I'm trying but my laptop hates me and is still punishing me for last week's apple juice that I dropped on it so I have sticky keys that are not very forgiving right now.

  4. Thanks for setting this up. I love your blog, and I'm eager to find other good ones here, too.

  5. Thanks for doing this. I just linked up. We did P 3/4 last summer and we're currently in week 20 of P 4/5. Planning to start Core A (formerly K) in the fall but likely stretch it to 18+ months.

  6. My favorite thing about having a gigantic fabric stash is being able to find surprise mitchy-matches like that--so fun!

  7. This is such a great idea!
    I love reading how people are using Sonlight .. even though we're moving through the upper primary years now.

  8. This is a great way to connect with other Sonlighters. Looking forward to sharing ideas!

  9. Done :) Thank you for setting this up :) I will be using a mix of Sonlight P4/5 and K this year :)

  10. Can you delete my linky when you get a chance? It's Nicole @ A Homeschool Journal. I had problems attaching the image and it came up with something strange. I'll retry later. Thanks!

  11. I followed a link over from Chareen's blog :-)
    Neat idea you've got organised here.

  12. Thanks for putting this together! There used to be another Sonlight blogroll that I had in my sidebar, but it must have been dismantled because it disappeared months ago~ there was just a hole on my blog. :o(

    I totally love Sonlight and have been using it for 12 years now~ since my 17yo was in K. We have used Cores 1 thru 100 (now Cores B thru 100) and bits of Core 200.

    I love to talk about Sonlight on my blog, including how to use Sonlight on a budget. I have 5 children (high school, middle school, elementary, and PK) and 3 cores going all at once! But it sure is fun!

    I'm going to enjoy digging around your blog! Thanks!

  13. Just Absolutely love the idea! Thanks for putting that together!

  14. Done... but couldn't figure out how to get a better profile pic for some reason..maybe I need a nap ;)

  15. Shoot, it's not right anyway... wasn't on the right page of my blog... I'll redo it, can you delete the 1st one?

  16. Saying with techno-challenged pride, DONE! :-D

  17. I just found your blog!! This is our fourth year of using mostly Sonlight with a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and preschooler. What a wonderful list of other Sonlight famiiies!

  18. Thanks for hosting a Sonlight blog roll! What a great idea!

    "Following" you. Stop in and see us too, if you get the chance!

    We are roadschoolers! Our home state is Texas!!


  19. I linked up! What a great idea! This is our first year using Sonlight so I'm eager to see what everyone else is doing this year!

    I'm following your blog as well!


  20. nice list, I linked up! I use sonlight with 5 kids, I will put your button up at my blog :)

  21. I just linked up! We are a brand new Sonlight family this year. We have 4 children and are using Core D (1st year American History).

  22. and I'm now a new follower of your blog, as well! :-)

  23. Linked up but I put the wrong pic in :(

  24. This is a great idea! I look forward to linking with other Sonlight moms!

  25. I just linked up - found you through the Sonlight forums. Thanks for putting this together! We are just starting Sonlight, and it's great to have a blogroll resource as well as their forums.

  26. I'm many months late, but here I am. :) We're doing Core A this year with some P3/4 to fill it out.

  27. Love this blog roll. Will you be doing this again for 2012/2013? It would be helpful if people put the Core they are doing in their linky title if you do! Thanks. We just started Core B and P4/5

  28. Hi there - are you planning to update the blog roll dates? I just found your listing, and would like to be included. DD11 and I are nearing the end of our second year of homeschooling, both with Sonlight and we LOVE it.


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