Monday, February 14, 2011

Mommy does some crafting of her own...

Here are some outfits I stitched up for Marcus and Sophie for Valentine's day.
Marcus asked for a Robot or Caveman valentine shirt.  (Odd request, but that is what he wanted.)  So I made him a Robot T-Shirt that said "Love Machine". 

It is an applique that was done on my brand new embroidery machine.  The embroidery machine was a gift from my dear, sweet husband for Christmas.  I have been dreaming of owning an embroidery machine for years, so I have been having a lot of fun playing around with it.  This was my first time using it on a t-shirt.   (T-Shirts can be hard to embroidery on because of the loose, knit fabric.)   I am still very much a as you can see I am still getting the hang of things. 

  Really we need a forum capable of "tactile-perception" to get the feel for this t-shirt.  The gray is this silver chenille/minky/velvety-stretchy-mystery fabric that is SO soft.  (I honestly don't know what this fabric is.  I just had it in my scrap bag.)  The black is a corduroy.  The two fabrics really create an extra soft and touchy robot applique.  This was my first time ever using my new embroidery machine on a t-shirt. 

Sophie of course wanted a matching she also got a robot t-shirt. 
I also sewed Sophia a matching skirt.  She usually doesn't like skirts, but I thought I could lure her into wearing it with the bait of extra, big, luxurious, gathered pockets.  (Sophie LOVES pockets and insists that she has them in everything she wears.)   Sophie made good use of these pockets today.  She used them to stash about 4-5 pacifiers in them should she need them for back up. 

Here is the complete outfit together:

And here is the obligatory "stand by the door and let me take your picture" shot:
Thanks for looking!!

Links to Become Attached To:
- Don't waste your homemaking 
- Homemaking Link Up


  1. Cute! I can see the textures from the pictures - I imagine you could have fun embroidering baby blankets with textured fabrics.


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