Thursday, November 11, 2010

2010-2011 Curriculum

Hello Readers,

First, this is a LONG post.  I hope that the length doesn't scare some of you away.  However, I know you guys love details, details, I tried to give you as many as I can.

Disclosure:  I received NO (ZERO!) compensation or free products when putting together this list.  These are all products that we purchased with our own hard-earned money.  (I think we tend to judge products more harshly and truthfully when we have actually paid for them!)  So rest assured that my reviews and recommendations are all brutally honest.  These are all products that we use in our home and have found valuable.

I do have an Amazon Associates account.  So if you purchase any of the products using the links on this page, I do receive a very small compensation.  Lists like these take quit a bit of time to put together.  So if you find this post or my blog helpful, it would be greatly appreciated if you could use the links below to purchase your products.  

And now....(drum-roll please)....our 2010-2011 Curriculum:

(More on this coming in a separate post.)

Bible Stories:
The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name
(We use both the book and audio CD) 
I can't say enough good things about this book.  We LOVE it!  The message in this book is exactly the sort of thing I want my children to hear.  We read about 3 stories a week from this book.  We also listen to the audio book in the car.  The audio book is very well produced and I highly recommend both!

Memory Verses:
Songs for Saplings, Dana Dirksen
Songs for Saplings
Supplemented with the printables from Totally Tots.
I really like this CD too.  It has music that both kids and adults will enjoy. 
About once a week we introduce a new memory verse.  Each verse is tied to a letter of the alphabet.  They also have a verse for many of the holidays.  The kids and I act like nuts and dance around the house to this.  I also use some of the printables from Totally Tots to supplement this.  We hang one picture up on our morning board as a visual to help us remember. 

Right Choices by Kenneth N. Taylor
Right Choices 
I will say that I don't totally recommend this book.  There is a lot in this book that I don't personally agree with and find it preachy and creepy.  For example, there is a page on why parents must spank children because they love them.  (I find phrases like that creepy.  I personally don't associate hitting and causing pain with showing love.)  In the book the child "needs" to be spanked because the young child took cleaning supplies out of a low cabinet.  (My thoughts:  Perhaps the parents needs a spanking so they can learn how to secure dangerous things like cleaning supplies.  Then perhaps the parents needs a lesson on how to teach their child...not just punish and hurt.)

There is also a lesson with the example of a child who gets upset over having to leave a fun place, and the child is supposed to pray that she will not "get mad over nothing".    How belittling is that to a child's feelings?!  I think it is wrong to tell a child that they are "bad" for feeling a natural disappointment when they leave a fun place.  I personally think it is OK to feel disappointed or upset.  Instead of teaching that an emotion is wrong, we instead work with our kids to teach them the correct way to express the emotion.  (For example:  it is OK and understandable to feel disappointed that we are leaving.  It isn't OK to shout or kick or hit when you are angry.) 

However, there are some good lessons in this book.  It has a nice lesson on "stranger danger".  It also has some nice lessons on the importance of honesty and gratitude.  We will be using about half of the lessons in this book.  I am definitely pre-reading this book and editing it heavily as I read it aloud.  Most of our character lessons will not come form a book.  The majority of them will come for modeling and life lessons. 

Spanish Montessori Class 
We found a great Spanish class for preschoolers in our area.  The class size is very small.  (6 preschoolers counting Marcus and Sophia.)  The class also meets once per week.  The teachers uses a variety of teaching methods including storybooks and Montessori materials.  It meshes perfectly with our style.   
Goodnight Moon (Spanish edition): Buenas noches, LunaUn Pez, Dos Peces, Pez Rojo, Pez Azul/One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Spanish Edition)

Handwriting without Tears Pre-K
When it comes to handwriting programs, this is the best there is!   Often times the names strikes people as a bit funny, but it really is a great program.    Everything is done in a playful method using many different learning methods.  (Manipulatives, music/song, workbook, games.)

The children learn to form their capital letters using wooden pieces, roll-a-dough letters, stamp n see screen and other methods.  They also learn colors, pencil grip, pencil control and some basics phonics.  The program also comes with a musical CD for children who learn through moving and listening.  We are currently just working through building the ltters with the various manipulaitves (shown below), the capital letter cards, and the blue mat.  We currently have started our children on the workbook becaues my son has absolutly no interest in sitting at a table and doing a workbook page yet.  :) 

Stamp-N-See Screen

Wooden Pieces used to build the capital letters
Slate used in"Wet, Dry, Try"

Montessori Materials
From time to time we also put out some Montessori language materials that focus on pre-reading and pre-writing skills.  We usually tie these into whatever holiday or unit we are studying. 
The Montessori "Brown Stairs"
The Montessori Pink Tower

Leap Frog Videos:
I know, I know....  a DVD?   But I highly recommend the leap frog learning videos.  They are very high quality and very effective and fun for kids. 

Sonlight P3/P4
This is our second year using the Sonlight P3/P4 curriculum.  We are just slowly making our way through it until Sophia gets old enough to start Sonlight P4/P5.  Sonlight is actually a complete curriculum, but it is a very gentle program that focuses on using high quality books as a learning tool.    

Before Five in a Row
Before Five in a Row is not a curriculum.  It is a book filled with great ideas to bring literature, music, and learning into your child's life.

Before Five in a Row

The book is divided into two parts.  The first half of the book is a list of activities centered around the titles pictures above.  The second half of the book contains ideas to help promote learning in the home.  I had this book checked out of the library for weeks and weeks.  I was so sad when I had to return this book to the library.  I knew that I would have to buy it and luckily found it used through amazon for a good price. 

Ambleside Online Year 0 Book List 
Ambleside also has a great list of books for young children.   We don't' own many of them yet, but as our budget allows, we hope to add these to our home library.   They are all classics that will last for generations. 

Nature Study
Handbook of Nature StudyEncyclopedia of Animals (Dk Encyclopedia)Backyard (One Small Square)

The Little Hands Nature Book (Williamson Little Hands Series)

Unit Studies at times 
Periodically we will branch out and explore topics of interest to the kids.  I call these taking a rabbit trail.  We usually do this by visiting the library and checking out some books on the topic.  We will also supplement this with some field trips, activities, and movies.  (Whatever I can find.)

MathStart Books 
MathStart books are fun story books that integrate preschool math concepts.  If you child likes to be read to, these are a fun and way to introduce some basic math concepts.  Plus, the author has all sorts of great extension, "hands on" activities that you can use to expand these concepts.

Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom! (MathStart 1)It's About Time! (MathStart 1)Henry the Fourth (MathStart 1)Seaweed Soup (MathStart 1)3 Little Firefighters (MathStart 1)Bug Dance (MathStart 1)Just Enough Carrots (MathStart 1)A Pair of Socks: Matching (Mathstart: Level 1 (HarperCollins Paperback))

Montessori Materials
We also put out some Montessori inspired activities onto our learning shelves from time to time.  

Geography and History using quality children's books
Sensory activities using Montessori Materials
Practical life lessons using the Montessori method as a starting point

Once or twice a week we also meet with a local preschool group.  We do holiday related activities or go on field trips.  

I also plan to purchase a large mark-able world map, map of the USA, and globe for the kids and start pointing out locations as we come across them in life.  I am trying to save up for these!  :)


  1. I love your list Cathy!!! A lot of good ideas! :)

  2. I just wanted to pop in here and remind you of the Sonlight Rewards Program. Your readers can save $5 off their first purchase and--a bit like the Amazon program--you get discounts on future purchases. We want to say "thank you" for sharing about Sonlight (both what works for you and what does not) [smile].


  3. You're using a lot of the same things that we used last year or are currently using. It looks like a great mix of things. Hope you have a great year!

  4. Oh my gosh, thank you for this nice meaty list! I'm just starting some more intentional learning time with my three year old daughter. I really liked seeing the actual products you're using without having "BUY ME BUY ME!" crammed down my throat, lol! One that caught my eye was the LeapFrog DVD as we just took it out of the library. I'm not big on DVDs either, (or many of their other products) but there is something really special happening in those videos - what a creative way to teach phonics. Anyhow, just stumbled upon your blog and I'm hooked...count me in as your newest subscriber. I'm a member of my local AP group too - yay!

  5. Thanks so much for joining us! I'm excited to see the blog roll grow with more and more blogs :) I look forward to learning from each other.

    Many Blessings, Tamara

  6. I think I may try your Bible selection, the Jesus one, for this year. I don't have a Bible selection for our 4yo, and I just can't seem to find one I like. The ones I don't like seem to be watered down somehow, using silly language. I really like SL's P4/5 selection, but we're saving that for DD's K year.

  7. Where is your blog about the calendar? I searched and couldn't find it. Would love to know. Thanks!


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