Monday, July 19, 2010

A BIG Thank You!!

This blog was recently given two special honors and I just wanted to say a BIG thank you.

The Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection was selected by JDaniel4'sMom as one of the top posts of the week. I wanted to give her a big thank you for mentioning me in her blog. THANK YOU! If you haven't already, please go and check out her blog.

The second honor was being the recipient of The Versatile Bloggers Award from Tots and Me. And the Outstanding Blogger Award from Raising Ian.

Both of these awards have four rules...

Rule number 1:
Thank the person who gave you the award.

A huge thank you goes out to Tots and Me and Raising Ian. Again, thank you very much for thinking of me I am very honored.

Rule number 2:

Share seven things about yourself.

1) I used to raise chickens when I was younger and named my farm "Cathy's Chicken Ranch"
2) I love to sew and plan to open up a small online shop
3) I was president of the french club in high school
4) I was president of IEEE in College
5) I love cats
6) I graduated college with a 4.0
7) I have a very hard time thinking of 7 things about myself to add to a list

Rule number 3:
Pass the award onto 15 bloggers whom you have just recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!

1.) Wes, Rachel, and Ella's Family Blog

2.) Barefoot in Suburbia

3.) My Delicious Ambiguity

4.) Giggly Girls

5.) Adventures of Bear

6.) Pink and Green Mama

7.) Delightful Learning

8.) Little Hands Big Work

9.) Academy at Thousand Oaks

10.) Crunchy and Green

11.) Lil Mop Top

12.) A Mommy's Adventures

13.) One Hook Wonder

14.) Natural Ranch Family

15.) Chasing Marcus

Rule number 4:

Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award.

Again, thanks so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Cathy. Yours is a quality blog. Among items about yourself - a wonderful granddaughter!
    Grandpa & Grandma


Wow! Thank you for caring enough to leave me a comment!