Monday, June 28, 2010

Magnifying Lens Picture Match

We plan to use our magnifying glasses a lot this year on nature walks.  So I put together this activity as an introduction to the use of a magnifying glasses.  Not only did this activity help them gain use of a very useful exploration tool (their magnifying glass), it also helped them with some basic math concepts like comparison of size and matching.  AND (as if that wasn't enough!), we strengthened their vocabulary by naming some of the objects on the game board.

I have to tell you...this activity was a BIG hit in our house.  They had this acitivy out over and over again this past week.  So I hope your kids enjoy it as much as me.   

What you will need:
1)  A bamboo mat
2)  These printouts (available as a free download from Kelly's Kindergarten.) 
3)  A magnifying glass

1)  Print out the game cards and boards on thick card stock.
2)  Cut out the individual game cards (miniture pictures).  Do not cut the game board (large pictures).
3)  Laminate everything.  ;)

Present the game card on a tray.  I put the game cards in a nice glass dish and the magnifying glass in a small wooden box.

Roll out a bamboo place mat and lay the game card on the place mat.  The child will then use the magnifying glass to view the miniature pieces and then match them up to their larger sized pictures on the game board.

For more science, math, and montessori activities, check out:


  1. That's a great game! Thanks for the link. Is there any reason for the bamboo mat?

  2. Hi Christianne, Good question. The bamboo mat is something I stole from the montessori method. :)

    I am not a strict follower of the montessori method, but I often borrow the ideas that I think will work well for my family. The table mat is one of them.

    Mats/Rugs are often used in Montessori classrooms to clearly define each child's work area and to teach children to respect each other's work/personal space. This can be a very handy thing when you have a 2 and 3 year old sharing a popular activity!

    So, in the example of this activity, if Sophia has her game out on the mat, the mat gives her a physical representation of where she is working. So she is less likely to spread pieces out all over the room and lose them.

    The mat also would let Marcus know that these things are currently in use by Sophia.

    I use bamboo mats specifially because they are very easy to roll up and put away. even for very little kids. And this makes them feel very independent being able to pick up after themselves when they are finished.

    I hope that helps answer your question!

  3. Thanks for linking up to Montessori Monday! Short Pants has done that same lesson before and really enjoyed it - maybe it's time to get it out for Pita Pocket too!

  4. This is such a fun and wonderful activity! I love that there's science, math and Montessori combined! I love the basket and the mat...well, the whole set up is fabulous! I've been needing to change my science center and this would be perfect. Thank you for sharing and linking up!

  5. Hmm - maybe I should see how daughter like it, but I will skip the laminating. I noticed that the more I fuss preparing the activity the less interested she is in it.

  6. Hi! You’ve got an awesome blog here. I’d love it if you’d stop by my blog sometime. I host a link up party every Tuesday for crafts, activities, recipes and ideas for toddlers. I’d love for you to link up some of your cool ideas:
    Have a great day!

  7. We've just "discovered" magnifying glasses - this is perfect! Thank you!


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