Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Attached Mama Crafts: Special Valentine's Day Edition

You might think that the reason I haven't updated my blog is because I haven't been doing much. However, the exact opposite has been true. I have been SO busy here that I haven't had much time to get online and "check in".

So I thought I would post some pictures of what we have been up to.

Every year for Valentine's day I make something for the kids. To me a handmade gift is the best way to really show someone that you love them. It means so much more than anything that I could buy for them at the store. BecauseThis year I refinished some furniture for Sophia and Marcus's play room.

I found a doll size high chair and crib at the thrift store for next to nothing. The only problem is that they were in REALLY bad shape. There was splattered paint on them them, writing, dents, etc. However, the pieces had "good bones" and I saw a lot of potentional in them. They were solid wood and well constructed, so I thought that they would last for years to come. So I decided to buy them and try to make them over.

Here are the BEFORE pictures of the high chair:

I didn't think to take a "before" picture of the crib...but you get the idea.

Here are the pieces AFTER:

Doll Highchair AFTER: painted red to match their retro style kitchen

Doll Crib AFTER: The crib is also painted red to match their play kitchen. I also sewed a matching quilt for their dolls. It has the red gingham on one side with a rick-rack border. (If you know me well, you will know that I LOVE anything with rick-rack on it.)

The reverse side of the quilt is made out of red fabric with small white hearts. I also made a small mattress for the crib and a cover out of the red gingham. Here is Sophia favorite doll (Baby Susan) enjoying her new sleeping space. :)

Close up of the heart fabric:

I also sewed the kids a matching table cloth for their craft table.

Finally, the kids each received an apron for Valentine's day. I am nearly always wearing an apron when I am at home. So I wanted to make Marcus and Sophia an apron to wear too. I am blessed with children who love to help their mommy. And I though that they might enjoy having an apron to wear around while we clean and cook.

I made Marcus a reversible spider-man apron. It has a spider-man print on one side with a deep red double pocket (to hold the various toys he always carries around in his hand!). The reverse side is a matching red fabric with a spider-man pocket.

Sophia's apron is made out of the red gingham and heart fabric. So it matches the table cloth and doll bedding. :) I also put her initial on the front.

The aprons made me really happy because the kids both loved their aprons. When someone comes to our house Marcus will run up and say, "Look what mommy sewed for me?!"

Well, everyone...that's it for tonight. Thanks for looking! More updates to come later this week.


  1. You are so talented Cathy!

    May I request pictures of your little darlings in their aprons? I would love to see them!

  2. Thank you Rachel. You are so kind.

    Yes! I will post some pictures of the kids sporting the aprons soon. :)


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